The beginning of the year has started strong in OBS. We are glad to be back to you in a new year with a blog post full of interesting updates, most of them improving our Request page. Take a seat, a fresh breath, and enjoy!
Read more...In order to be effective, the content moderation feature has to be featureful and streamlined, so now we expanded it with a new kind of reportable and an easier way to report creators of comments.
Read more...Many reports can cover the same kind of violation of the rules, and handling it can be redundant. Moderators can customize their own set of canned responses in order to reuse them where they need it.
Read more...There was a service degradation of our reference server.
Read more...In our latest iteration towards an even more user-friendly experience, we’re excited to share three key enhancements to our Request page. Get ready for a smoother and more informative ride!
Read more...A lot of things happen behind the scenes whenever OBS runs an SCM/CI workflow. Sometimes, you might want to know which workflow failed or completed successfully and the only way to do this is by visiting the workflow runs UI. This time we tried to improve this and other details in the SCM/CI integration.
Read more...Big projects usually shift the conversation to external bug tracking platforms and therefore don’t want to end up having lots of comments on their OBS project. For this reason we are introducing comment locks. On top of this we enhanced the reporting feature by a set of categories to ease the submission.
Read more...Have you detected any spam? Is some user misbehaving? Is there any project or package that looks suspicious? Starting today, you can easily report any problematic content from the OBS application itself! Our moderators will do the rest.
Read more...Lately, we have been working again on the request workflow redesign. We have introduced the build results summary of a request and improved the information displayed in the Mentioned Issues section. All these improvements will help you focus on what matters and better digest all the information you receive when you review or visit a request.
Read more...Over the past weeks we worked hard to make it possible for you to create Submit Requests from within an SCM/CI Workflow. Now you can automate this step, making it easier to work with OBS in a more SCM-centric way.
Read more...We have been working on the request workflow redesign and continuously trying to improve it with the help of your feedback. This time we have focused on showing diff comments for non-beta users and a new request type Set Bug Owner.
Read more...Today we’re going to explain the versioning system we’re using to release new features to the SCM/CI integration.
Read more...In our efforts to add a distribution (Debian 12), we accidentally deleted an entry in our architecture database table. That made all attempts to fetch this architecture through associations crash.
Read more...You have probably read about the release of the OpenAPI Documentation. That doesn’t mean the documentation is finished and static. On the contrary, we have recently introduced a few more endpoints and are looking forward to your contributions.
Read more...Starting today, the OpenAPI Specification presented through Swagger UI becomes the official API documentation for Open Build Service 🎉
Read more...After a while keeping working on the request page redesign, we are glad to come back to you with two new request types: maintenance incident requests and maintenance release requests.
Read more...You hopefully have seen our new openAPI Documentation. You might have, since it’s now linked from the old documentation. Besides that change, we spent some of our development time on new documentation on Comments, Status Messages and Staging Workflows.