Another round of changes for the request index beta feature! This time we improved working with requests for a group by using the request index ui you already use in package, project and in “Your Requests”. We also expanded the request index by adding two more filters.
Read more...We’re continuously improving the request index page! In addition to the filters we recently introduced, we’ve now added three more: priority, creation time, and reviewer. Try them out and see how they enhance your workflow!
Read more...We worked diligently to bring you the next set of improvements to the ways to collaborate in OBS. With that we are happy to announce you will now be able to label all of your projects and subprojects, to allow yourself and other users better understand what purpose they serve at a glance.
Read more...A few months ago, we introduced the Request Index Page feature in OBS. Recently, we added new filters to help users narrow down requests by staging projects and by request creators. The filters have also been improved to consider reviews, which is particularly useful for finding staging project requests.
Read more...Recently we kicked off a new feature in OBS: a request index page. It is unified for all the different places: the same UI is now also available in Project details page and in Package details page.
Read more...Today we want to tell you about three significant improvements we have just introduced that make it easier to collaborate on the request page. Those improvements are part of the beta program.
Read more...Not long ago, we introduced several new features in OBS designed to foster collaboration among users. Today, we’re excited to announce a series of improvements to the newly introduced labels feature, which will help you better work with your projects and packages.
Read more...In the latest set of improvements coming to the content moderation feature we focused on improving the experience of moderators reviewing incoming reports. By including more information about the state of reports we make it easier for moderators to comprehend the user reported content in the notifications. This will lower the time the moderators need to respond to reports.
Read more...We’ve introduced several new features in OBS designed to foster collaboration among OBS users. Customized labels for better organization, setting custom links for your bug tracker and markdown formatting for project/package descriptions. Those features are intended to give you more insight into your work, helping you stay focused on what matters most.
Read more...We kicked off a new feature in OBS. The goal is to have a unified way of listing requests for all the different places like packages, projects and what is currently found under “Tasks”. We started this by porting some of the core functionality of the “Tasks” page to the new unified version with a couple of search and filter options. The Request Index feature is part of the beta program and the requests list can be found under Requests on the on the Places menu.
Read more...We have heard your suggestions and have introduced a way to filter the requests-related notifications by request state. This new filter will help you focus on what really requires your attention.
Read more...In this round of SCM/CI Integration improvements, we have simplified the way you can filter by event source and have modified the notifications about workflow run failures to reach users or groups the token is shared with.
Read more...Notifications have always been part of your workflow. Now, we are glad to present a set of changes, including a revamped filtering section. Let’s get into the details!
Read more...Over the past weeks, we’ve spent some time improving the Content Moderation feature within OBS. Users now have the ability to block other users. We focused on making it easier for Moderators to act on reports, by implementing “decision actions”, which allow Moderators to perform moderation actions while making decisions. We also created a dedicated comment section for Moderators to be able to discuss the report with the reporter.
Read more...Every time your source code management system (github, gitlab etc.) sends a webhook to OBS to trigger a SCM/CI Workflow, we give our best to record what is happening during (and in case of builds even after) your workflow’s steps run. We do this because this is a complicated feature, involving two very large applications, where lot’s of things can go wrong. So you need loads of information to debug once something is.
Read more...So, we’re back after Easter Holidays! In this blog post we’re going to see some improvements we’ve been working on lately on the redesigned Request page.
Read more...There was a service degradation of our reference server.
Read more...Over the past few weeks, we’ve dedicated our efforts to enhancing content moderation within OBS. This time around, our focus has been on refining canned responses, implementing a comprehensive comment listing feature for individual users, making various UI enhancements, and updating our user documentation.
Read more...A quick update on the Request Page Redesign: the build summary chart bars are now clickable.
Read more...The SUSE BuildOPS Team is a dedicated team of DevOPS employees who provide OBS as a service to the community and assist with daily operations.