News about OBS


Open Build Service Did It!

by Klaas Freitag posted on 22nd Sep 2008

The openSUSE 11.1 beta 1 release marks a significant change for openSUSE. For the first time in 11 years, a SUSE release was not built in the SUSE internal AutoBuild service -- openSUSE 11.1 beta 1 was built using the Open Build Service!


openSUSE Build Service 1.0 Released

by Joe Brockmeier posted on 9th Jul 2008

The openSUSE Project is proud to announce the 1.0 release of the Open Build Service. The 1.0 release provides all the features necessary to support building openSUSE in the public build systems and allowing direct contributions to openSUSE from all contributors. Developers can now submit contributions to openSUSE directly at


Open Build Service 1.0 Release Candidate 1 released

by Joe Brockmeier posted on 11th Jun 2008

We have released the first release candidate of the Open Build Service 1.0. With the release candidate, all the features are now in place to support collaboration to build distributions in the open.

The Open Build Service has offered a simple collaboration system since its inception for groups to work closely together on packages or solutions stacks. The 1.0 RC 1 release improves on existing functionality to allow the Build Service to scale to larger projects like openSUSE's Factory distribution.


KDevelop and the Open Build Service

by Joe Brockmeier posted on 4th Jun 2008

Building packages for multiple distros can be a major pain -- which is why we provide the Open Build Service. One of the Build Service's many features is the ability to create packages for many distros -- including openSUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, and Ubuntu.

One of the projects making the most of the Build Service is KDevelop. We talked with KDevelop developer Amilcar do Carmo Lucas about how the KDevelop project is using the build service.


Open Build Service 0.9 Released

by Adrian Schröter posted on 16th Apr 2008

We are proud to announce another major release of the Open Build Service (OBS). This release brings a new level to OBS scalability by adding the ability for OBS instances to interact.


Open Build Service Expands Support to Red Hat and CentOS

by the OBS Team posted on 24th Jan 2008

The Open Build Service, an innovative framework that provides an infrastructure for software developers to easily create and compile packages for multiple Linux distributions, has extended its support to build packages for CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The Open Build Service already supports several Linux distributions including openSUSE, Debian, Fedora, Mandriva, SUSE Linux Enterprise and Ubuntu.


Open Build Service 0.5 (Poinsettia) Released

by the OBS Team posted on 21st Dec 2007

The openSUSE project releases the version 0.5 of the openSUSE Build Service. This code drop does provides the same functionality as on the first time as official tar ball release. OBS 0.5 provides the complete infrastructure to build single hardware architecture distributions. System images can be created via KIWI.


Another Step in Connecting the Worlds of Users And Developers

by Adrian Schröter posted on 18th Dec 2007

As you the Open Build Service (OBS) connects the totally different worlds of End-Users and developers/packagers. This already works to the degree that everybody can download software, which got packaged in the OBS. Also the packagers already get feedback via download numbers, tags or rating within the web interface.

in the press

Software for Millions

by the OBS Team posted on 13th Dec 2007

Our own Klaas Freitag wrote an article about the Open Build Service that got published in the german edition of Linux Magazin. It covers general introduction into the Open Build Service, tutorials how to build a simple package, touches upon OSC and web client and gives an overview over the underlying technology.

in the press

OBS on Novell Open Audio

by the OBS Team posted on 29th Nov 2007

As part of their openSUSE release series, Novell Open Audio has talked to Michael Schröder and Andreas Bauer about the Open Build Service, our powerful cross-distribution package build system. They discuss a bunch of updates which happened over the year since last coverage, what is being worked on currently and a little bit on how you can have your projects hosted on the service.


Updated Roadmap Published

by Klaas Freitag posted on 16th Oct 2007

An updated Roadmap for the Open Build Service has been published. It outlines the development targets until the fourth quarter of 2008. Please understand the dates as target estimations, but not as guaranteed dates. Some functionality might arrive earlier, while other features may need some more time.


Release Management Support for the Open Build Service

by adrian posted on 18th Jul 2007

The Open Build Service allows from now on more control about what to do with built packages. You can for example switch of the publishing of packages to the ftp server and mirrors, when you prepare a major update in your project.

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