Here is a summary of activity on the opensuse-buildservice mailing list during week 47:
Read more...Here is a summary of activity on the opensuse-buildservice mailing list during week 46:
Read more...Here is a summary of activity on the opensuse-buildservice mailing list during week 45:
Read more...Here is a summary of activity on the opensuse-buildservice mailing list during week 44:
Read more...As Coolo “announced” the week before last in his mail about his hackweek project we’re about to marry the WEBUI with the API. Adrian, Ancor, Coolo and me, Henne, just had a meeting about how we go about to push forward with this unholy communion. Here are the results, but first let me explain how we came to the decision to do this:
Read more...Here is a summary of activity on the opensuse-buildservice mailing list during week 43:
Read more...Here is a summary of activity on the opensuse-buildservice mailing list during week 42:
Read more...The OBS teams from Tizen and SUSE met at the Tizen conference 2013 in San Francisco. Tizen is an emerging OS for mobile/automotive/entertainment, it is developed by Intel, Samsung, and the Linux Foundation. Tizen uses the build open service to develop their base system.
Read more...In the recent episode of his series of live-casts called "The Luminosity of Free Software", Aaron Seigo, a very active FOSS developer and speaker from Canada who primarily works on the Linux Desktop explores the Open Build Service. He's not only giving you a general introduction but he also explains how it helps the Mer project to build their base operating system software for use in devices like phones, tablets, TVs, digital pictureframes and even vehicles. Check out the episode below.
Read more...After one whole year of hard work, toil, tears and sweat from all our awesome contributors the latest release of the Open Build Service(OBS) is ready for you. Version 2.4 adds support for yet another package format, secure boot signing and appstream app stores. It also brings a constraint system to better match build hardware to build jobs and includes a lot of speed improvements. OBS 2.4 is the latest, greatest and rock solid release that is already used by our reference server since January. We strongly recommended to update to this version.
Read more...Next week is Hackweek! At least twice a year all SUSE engineers are free to work for one week on projects of their passion. They can choose to contribute to an existing open source project or try something new, nobody has tried before. One whole week of innovation, collaboration, and learning. If you want to know more check the great
Read more...In October we went to the openSUSE conference/Linuxdays at Prague in the Czech republic, here is the trip-report for the OBS community.
Read more...Next weekend the 4th openSUSE Conference is going to kick-off in the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic. Around 600 Free and Open Source Software enthusiasts come together for four days to learn, hack and to have a lot of fun together. As the Open Build Service (OBS) is developed under the hood of the openSUSE project our team will also represent.
Read more...This release brings some bug fixes which could be considered privacy fixes depending on your setup and expectations. Please find details below.
Read more...We are happy to announce that the Open Build Service (OBS) is now able to build the package format used by Arch Linux! With this new format you can deliver automatic, consistent and reproducible builds of your software to your users and customers for yet another Free and Open Source Software distribution. In total the OBS now supports 10 base distributions in more than 20 flavors and versions.
Read more...You always wanted to join the Open Build Service Team at SUSE? In case you like OBS and think you could help to improve it, please send us your CV.