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User Guide / Usage / Using Source Services

7 Using Source Services

7.1 About Source Services

Source Services are tools to validate, generate or modify sources in a trustable way. They are designed as smallest possible tools and can be combined following the powerful idea of the classic UNIX design.

Source services allow:

  • Server-side generated files are easy to identify and are not modifiable by the user. This way, other users can trust them to be generated in the documented way without modifications.

  • Generated files never create merge conflicts.

  • Generated files are a separate commit to the user change.

  • Source services are runnable at any time without user commit.

  • Source services are runnable on server and client side in the same way.

  • Source services are safe. A source checkout and service run never harms the system of a user.

  • Source services avoid unnecessary commits. This means there are no time-dependent changes. In case the package already contains the same file, the newly generated file is dropped.

  • Source services running local or inside the build environment can get created, added and used by everybody.

  • Source services running in default or server side mode must be installed by the administrator of the OBS server.

  • The use of a source service can be defined per package or project wide.

For using source services you need (refer to Example 7.1, “Structure of a _service File”):

  • An XML file named _service.

  • A root element services.

  • A service element which uses the specific service with optional parameters.

Example 7.1: Structure of a _service File
<services> 1
 <service name="MY_SCRIPT"2 mode="MODE"3>
  <param name="PARAMETER1">PARAMETER1_VALUE</param>4


The root element of a _service file.


The service name. The service is a script that is stored in the /usr/lib/obs/service directory.


Mode of the service, see Section 7.2, “Modes of Source Services”.


One or more parameters which are passed to the script defined in 2.

The example above will execute the script:

/usr/lib/obs/service/MY_SCRIPT --PARAMETER1 PARAMETER1_VALUE --outdir DIR

7.2 Modes of Source Services

Each source service can be used in a mode defining when it should run and how to use the result. This can be done per package or globally for an entire project.

Table 7.1: Source Service Modes
ModeRuns remotelyRuns locallyAdded File Handling
DefaultAfter each commitBefore local buildGenerated files are prefixed with _service:
trylocalYesYesChanges are merged into commit
localonlyNoYesChanges are merged into commit
serveronlyYesNoGenerated files are prefixed with _service: This can be useful, when the service is not available or can not work on developer workstations.
buildtimeDuring each build before calling the build tool (for example, rpm-build)[a]The service package must be available for building.  
manualNoOnly via explicit CLI callExists since OBS 2.11
disabledNoOnly via explicit CLI call 

[a] A side effect is that the service package is becoming a build dependency and must be available.

Default Mode

The default mode of a service is to always run after each commit on the server side and locally before every local build.

trylocal Mode

This mode is running the service locally. The result is committed as standard files and not named with a _service: prefix. Additionally, the service runs on the server by default. Usually the service should detect that the result is the same and skip the generated files. In case they differ, they are generated and added on the server.

localonly Mode

This mode is running the service locally. The result gets committed as standard files and not named with _service: prefix. The service is never running on the server side. It is also not possible to trigger it manually.

serveronly Mode

The serveronly mode is running the service on the server only. This can be useful, when the service is not available or can not work on developer workstations.

buildtime Mode

The service is running inside of the build job, both for local and server side builds. A side effect is that the service package is becoming a build dependency and must be available. Every user can provide and use a service this way in their projects. The generated sources are not part of the source repository, but part of the generated source packages. Note that services requiring external network access are likely to fail in this mode, because such access is not available if the build workers are running in secure mode (as is always the case at https://build.opensuse.org).

manual Mode, disabled Mode

The manual mode is neither running the service locally nor on the server side by default. It can be used to temporarily disable the service but keeping the definition as part of the service definition. Or it can be used to define the way how to generate the sources and doing so by manually calling osc service rundisabled. The result will get committed as standard files again. NOTE: it did only exist as "disabled" before OBS 2.11, but "manual" is the better matching alias name for its usage. The osc client may do have different behaviour in future between manual and disabled.

7.3 Defining Source Services for Validation

Source services can be used to validate sources. This can be defined at different levels:

  • Per Package.  Useful when the packager wants to validate whether the downloaded sources are really from the original maintainer.

  • Per Project.  Useful for applying project-wide policies which cannot be skipped for any package.

You can validate sources using either of two methods:

  • By comparing checksums and metadata of the files in your repository with checksums and metadata as recorded by the maintainer.

  • Alternatively, you can download the sources from a trusted location again and verify that they did not change.

7.4 Creating Source Service Definitions

Source services are defined in the _service file and are either part of the package sources or used project-wide. Project-wide services are stored under the _project package in file _service.

The _service file contains a list of services which get called in the listed order. Each service can define a list of parameters and a mode. The project wide services get called after the per package defined services.

The _service file is in XML format and looks like this:

  <service name="download_files" mode="trylocal" />
  <service name="verify_file">
    <param name="file">krabber-1.0.tar.gz</param>
    <param name="verifier">sha256</param>
    <param name="checksum">7f535a96a834b31ba2201a90c4d365990785dead92be02d4cf846713be938b78</param>

With the example above, the services above are executed in the following order:

  1. Downloads the file via the download_files service using the URL from the Spec file. When using osc, the downloaded file gets committed as part of the commit.

  2. Compares the downloaded file (krabber-1.0.tar.gz) against the SHA256 checksum.

7.5 Removing a Source Service

Sometimes it is useful to continue working on generated files manually. In this situation the _service file needs to be dropped, but all generated files need to be committed as standard files. The OBS provides the mergeservice command for this. It can also be used via osc by calling osc service merge.

7.6 Trigger a service run via a webhook

You may want to update sources in Open Build Service whenever they change in a SCM system. You can create a token which allows to trigger a specific package update and use it via a webhook. It is recommended to create a token for a specific package and not a wildcard token. Read Chapter 36, Authorization to learn how to create a token.

7.6.1 Creating a webhook on GitLab

Go to your repository settings page in your gitlab instance. Select Integrations there. All what you need to fill is the URL


and the Secret Token. Hit the Add webhook button and you are good. You may specify project and package via CGI parameters in case you created a wildcard token:


7.6.2 Creating a webhook on GitHub

Go to your repository settings page of your repository on github.com. Select Webhooks settings and create a hook via Add Webhook button. Define the payload URL as


and fill the secret box with your token string. Please note that github requires that you must also define the token id as part of the webhook string. All other settings can stay untouched and just hit the Add webhook button.