New Filters for Notifications
Those of you enrolled in the beta program already know the Notifications page we introduced a while ago. Recently, we introduced two new filters: Incoming Requests and Outgoing Requests.
Filters Overview
During a normal day, you may receive a big amount of web notifications. The notifications filters are there to the rescue, by narrowing down the result to the notifications you are looking for.

Listening to your feedback, we have created a new pair of filters: Incoming Requests and Outgoing Requests filters. This way, we are introducing the behaviour from the Tasks page, that many of you are used to and were missing also for the Notifications area.
Incoming Requests displays unread notifications related to Requests that others created in packages where you are involved e.g. you are the maintainer.
Outgoing Requests displays unread notifications related to requests which were created by yourself.
Let us know about your experience!
How To Give Us Feedback
There are two ways to reach us:
- On GitHub, by opening an issue and / or commenting on an already opened issue.
- On IRC, by talking directly to us. We are in the channel
on Libera.Chat.
Please note that we favor GitHub to gather feedback as it allows us to easily keep track of the discussions.