OBS Mailing List Summary, Week 21

Here is a summary of activity on the opensuse-buildservice mailing list during week 21:


Guillaume has a package that builds locally, but takes a long time. When he tries to build it on build.opensuse.org, the job times out and is killed. How can this time-out be increased?

  • Adrian: the time-out is hard-coded. We need to find out why the build hangs so long and address that.
  • Some possibilities were discussed in the thread.


Rens would like to know where to find the /srv/www/obs/webui/options.yml file which used to be used to configure the OBS web UI, but has gone missing since 2.5.

  • Adrian: web UI and API have been merged for 2.5. Please read the release notes of 2.5 for details.


Joschi writes that he branched the sssd package from openSUSE:13.1 and now it fails to build in his home project, though he made no modifications.

  • In the ensuing discussion, it came to light that when a package is branched from openSUSE:13.1 it actually builds against openSUSE:13.1:Update – this default is on purpose and will not be changed. To work around it, one must use the command-line client osc.


Dominig wrote to the list about some problems encountered in re-bootstrapping Tizen3 Common for the ARM architecture. The difficulties are in glibc and a few other packages. Of these, glibc is the most critical.

  • He wrote back a couple days later with a fix (changed a couple lines in the project config)


Adrian announced the release of Open Build Service (OBS) version 2.5.3.


Ruediger would like to know if there is an easy way to BuildRequire a kernel RPM that matches the currently-running kernel.

  • In his reponse, Adrian describes the mechanism OBS has for this and how to use it. You can also build your own kernel.


Julien is missing some Red Hat devel packages, e.g. lapack-devel.

  • Answer: most likely they are only distributed via RHN.


On his private OBS instance, Andrew would like to BuildRequire packages that only exist in the Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository.


In this thread, Rick and Adrian discuss the finer points of cross-building on a private OBS instance using QEMU chroot.